
13 Oct, 2022 / Xode Article

How to be seen with SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)_

Leveraging good SEO can be hugely beneficial for your business if you want to make the most out of your website, allowing you to better understand how people are engaging with your content and getting in front of the right audiences.

SEO tactics are hugely beneficial for any company that wants to make the most out of its website. Not only does it allow you to increase your visibility by directing the right people to your site, but enables you to better understand how people are engaging with your website.

Are they visiting all the right locations and clicking on all the buttons (your user journey flows and call to action)? Do they stay to watch your slideshow, video or read your blog, or do they wander into the kitchen to make themselves a ham sandwich (ok, SEO can’t tell you that)? 

But, along with heat maps and other tracking forms, SEO is the cleverest. It involves virtually no understanding of code (at least from your end) and relies on drawing in customers who are already searching in your product category.

What can we tell you about SEO?

While SEO can be incredibly efficient, coming up with a solid strategy takes time. You’re unlikely to become an overnight success just by adding some keywords. In fact, Google usually refreshes its cache (the internet’s stored search history) only every ninety days, so newly created SEO content won’t be seen by Google’s search analytics right away. But that’s why planning is important because this stuff takes time to get right.

We suggest that you do some research on what others are looking at. You could use Ubersuggest, Semrush or another software to search for common terms and their popularity. You might check out social media and follow those who are in your product category or who inspire you. For the final leap, you might want to consult an SEO or software company about finding the best terms and creating an ongoing targeting strategy that keeps people coming back to your website.

Why all this effort?

SEO is kind of like being able to peer into the secret wish list of your potential customers. Because you can see what they’re actively looking for, you can make your web presence match. There are even tools out there for measuring the success of rival companies and their keywords.

We highly recommend that you put effort into establishing yourself as a thought leader with high-quality content. Embed keywords and links within your content, but also be sure to keep active. No matter how juicy your word choice is, Google tends to favour the new and constantly churning. Consider blogging (like we have here) to redirect your audience back to your site with sizeable information chunks that will please Google.

Social media visibility 

Social media SEO is an indirect tool which doesn’t actually add to your SEO but captures an audience who is on social media. It also increases your trust with regular appearances and helps establish a brand presence as a thought leader. Basically, the more you can be seen, the better, as it helps reduce resistance and increase familiarity with your offering. And we all like what’s familiar!

Social media is also a key vehicle in influencing purchases, not only for organic (non-paid for) posts but also as retargeted ads. 

Where customers come to buy

SEO tactics are great for helping businesses refocus their product sales. As a digital agency that’s worked with brands as diverse as kitchenware and app-based platforms, we know it's easier to sell your idea when it's in accordance with what people are already searching for. No one’s searching for ‘pan-galactic gargle blasters’, so, as cool as they sound, you have to try to tap into the market of related searches. Find the categories and interests people have and work your keywords in accordance with that.

And don’t worry — once you become big, you can rely on the power of your amazing branding to pull you through. But by that stage, you’ve already committed to enough of an educational campaign that people understand your offering and are actively searching for you.

The best approach

At Xode, we’ve worked alongside some of the top marketing agencies to deliver bespoke web solutions. As part of that service, we’re responsible for seeing that search results remain high for clients switching over or updating their websites.

However, we can say that the best approach, aside from keeping your website user-friendly and responsive, is to keep checking your content, especially when rebranding. Test what works well and what doesn’t. Perhaps you’re a legal firm ranking high for divorce lawyers but low for solicitors — now’s the time to refurbish your look by reconsidering your URLs, meta descriptions (the text you see on a link) and website content. 

Be sure to follow your SEO strategy with an ongoing content strategy. Consider building in an option for blogs to post new content or talk to your marketing team about utilising social media or Google ads to redirect back to your website. Make a calendar to keep you on track and always test, test, test those search terms.

If you want someone who can deliver an optimised website and help you create a custom online strategy, talk to us at Xode. We’re always keen to talk about ways to keep you relevant and visible.

Tags: SEO, search engine optimisation, websites, digital marketing