
20 Jul, 2021 / Victoria Gombert Article

The best alternative CMS for delivering content_

Strapi is the modern alternative to WordPress to manage content for your website, blog, or app.

A Content Management System created specific for your needs

Strapi is our preferred Content Management System (CMS) of choice. We have come to prefer Strapi through years of experimentation with a variety of CMS, followed by frustration, and celebration. The architecture of Strapi is relatively new, especially in comparison to WordPress or other older methods of building websites. 

When comparing Strapi with WordPress, the most obvious difference is the architecture. 

If you’re fed up by WordPress’s underlying lines of codes that you need to dig into to get any part modified to fit your project, don’t be shy: it’s also one of the reasons why the founders created Strapi.

In a traditional or monolithic CMS like WordPress, everything is packaged together: the backend is rigidly and intricately linked to the design frontend part of your application. A headless CMS like Strapi focuses on its primary mission: managing content. It does so by storing content in a database, providing an interface to manage content, and exposing it with an API, to make it available to any frontend.

Benefits of a headless CMS like Strapi

Strapi has been designed to empower the community of users to build any project they think of. Everything is made so you can design your content structure in a snap.

What you can do with the Advanced Custom Fields plugin for WordPress, you can do it natively in Strapi.

Strapi Relations feature makes it incredibly easy to create multiple relations using only the admin panel. In a couple of clicks, you can handle any relations you need to link your entries: one-way, one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many, or polymorphic.

This enables us to build our clients data models in a way that is unique to them and their needs, within a few clicks. There are no bottlenecks or useless fields, everything serves a purpose and is specific to them. 


The flexibility of Strapi means we can use the CMS for a website, for a mobile app, a blog, or any other requirement, like a desktop application. We have clients who began with the need for a simple website, that has been further developed to integrate with other systems, and serve their mobile application content, too. 

Reduced development costs

This leads to reduced development costs, as we're utilising the same CMS for a clients website and mobile app. This is fantastic for small projects such as managing a clients member base and offering their members a custom mobile application with push notifications. 

Fully customisable

Strapi is customisable without twisting the code. You decide on your API and data structure and build it for your purpose. You can customize anything through the API or by editing the files inside your code.

Strapi is self-hosted and open-source. This means that we can install Strapi on our own servers and customise it fully to meet the needs of our clients, ensuring a scalable, secure and robust solution

Strapi is faster than WordPress

Strapi is powered by a modern technology stack using Node.js. That's why it's fast. Really fast.

The installation is made in less than two minutes and the admin panel doesn’t reload upon saving. If you compare Strapi with WordPress, you’ll see that WordPress is much slower than Strapi to deliver the same thing. The reason is in the technology WordPress and Strapi are built on. But also because your pages are either cached or dynamically refreshed, if you create a single-page application or if you are using a static site generator.

And this performance has an impact on the whole project, from user engagement or content editor comfort to Google SEO ranking.

Our clients love it

We have only ever had positive, glowing feedback from our clients about their Strapi CMS solutions. Strapi is easy, fast and intuitive to use. Moreover, it powers brands such as IBM, Toyota and NASA.

We might not be using Strapi forever, but for now - it's the best. 


Read more about Strapi here, the WordPress alternative. 

Tags: Strapi CMS, Content Management System, Website content, Headless CMS