Portfolio Case
Hagley Oval
About the
Hagley Oval’s destiny as the historical and spiritual home of cricket in Canterbury was determined in the first days of a new and flourishing Christchurch.
Hagley Oval has since been identified and documented as the cornerstone of Canterbury and New Zealand cricketing activity. With membership activity on the rise, Hagley Oval needed to better understand how their members were interacting with matches and attendance.
Bespoke mobile app, CRM, UX UI design, data cleansing & merging.
Our services.
Xode crafted a mobile app to track membership activity, enabling members to scan their member cards as they arrive at cricket matches. Hagley Oval now has member activity data and enriched insights.
Hagley Oval previously managed data partly in an outdated CRM, and partly in an excel spreadsheet. Xode cleansed and merged the separate datasets to provide Hagley Oval with better membership data. This was critical to being able to easily track membership activity through the mobile app.
The existing CRM didn't cater for the unique and complex membership data structure, so we developed a bespoke Customer Relationship Management System for Hagley Oval to manage their data.
We created automated reports to run weekly so key stakeholders can view and manage insights in a timely manner.